Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of my- in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works self: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works -John 14:10
According to above verse the contention of the christian scholars is that the Father is in Jesus and Jesus is in Jehovah- thus they declare that they both are existing together as one person. Therefore, Jehovah is Jesus and Jesus is Jehovah. The interpretor of Bible or any other scripture should have the comprehensive knowledge of the scriptures and showed take into consideration all such other relevant verses to establish the authentically of their interpretation, while interpreting or any verse or passage. If any body interprets the verses which happen to appear in favour of their opinion , all such other verses should also be interpreted in the same way as has been adapted in intepreting as in the case of above verse. They do not do so, because they know pretty well, that if they do so, the verse which they have selected to ascribe divinity to Jesus, badly effects in resulting adversely to their interpretations. Then automatically the basic message of the Bible becomes ambignous and leads to misconceptions. Just as they interpret the above verse in their favour to attribute the divinity to Jesus so also if the following verse is interpreted, either Jesus should discard his divinity or allow his twelve apostles also as his co-equal share hold along with him in the company of Divinity.
At the day ye shall know that I am in my father, and ye in me, and I in you -John 14:20
According to the above verse not only Jehovah and Jesus but the twelve of his apostles also become Gods. There is trinity of the Father and the son and the Holy Spirit the triune God doctrine is prevalent (even though it is not mentioned in the Bible). But if the verse is taken for consideretion one should add the twelve disciples in the group of the trinity. Thus the twelve of the apostles also become equal shareholders in the divinity of triune god. Thus including with the apostles they become the group of fifteen gods. Why because... Jesus says that he is in the Father and the apostles are in him, and he (Jesus) is in them (apostles).
1. As Jesus is in Jehovah Jesus becomes Jehovah according to the interpretation of the church.
2. So also as the apostles are in Jesus the each of the apostles becomes Jesus.
3. Jesus is Jehovah therefore the twelve members of apostles become Jehovahs.
These points should be virtually agreed according to the logic basing on the interpretation the church on John 14:10
In which things the likeness among them prevails?
And the glory, which thou gavest me I have given them that they may be one, even as we are one -John 17:22
On close examinatin of the above we understand the points, in which the likeness prevails in between Jehovah and Jesus. Jesus says in the above verse with a comparision saying as ‘they (the disciples) may be one, even as we (Jehovah and Jesus) are one’. Let us take it for granted for a while that according to John 14:10 Jehovah and Jesus united together physically as one. If it were taken as true the aspitation of Jesus that his twelve disciples should be one spells to mean that they should be physically united as one, just as Jesus of Jehovah are united physically as one. Do they unite together in their physique? Not at all. So is the exact case of the unity of Jesus and Jehovah.
So one should believe that Jesus and Jehovah should be one-not in the physique but in carrying out the mission and in having the same opinions and aims. So also the ambition of Jesus to see his disciples as one does not mean that they all should transform as one body in literal sense. This to the correct interpretation of the verse which reads as... ‘And the glory which thou gavest me, I have given them: that they may be one, even as we are one’ (John 17:22). To be frank, only through this true beliefe one can get the peace in this worldly life and hereafter can get the salvation through Jesus and the supreme bliss in the everlasting life from the Creator, God.
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