Saturday, 14 May 2016

The Holy Bible gives the answers crystal clearly to the questions who is Jesus
in reality? and who is Jehovah in reality? However some persons argue ignorantly
taking the meaning of Jesus as the image of God, in literal sence and attribute
divinity to him. If any body imagine in this way then let us understand according to the following verse that who is God?

So God created man in his own image, in the image God
created he him; male and female created he them -Genesis 1:27

According to above verse if any person such as Philip, requests Adam saying
‘Oh! Adam shew us the Father and it sufficeth us’, then what would be the
answer of Adam in such situation? Undoubtedly he answers him sying as ‘Have I
been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me?’ Because he
that hath seen me hath seen the Father. This can be accepted as God himself had
created Adam in his image and in his likeness. Therefore if one imagine Jesus as
God, then in the same way should one agree that Adam also a God, who was the
image of Jehovah. If one do not agree this logic and says Adam is not a God so
also one is deprived of every chance to regard Jesus as God.

Who only hath immorality, dwelling in the light which no
man can approach unto, whom no man hath seen, nor can
see to whom be honour and power everlashting Ameen -I Timothy 6:16

The above verse tells that no man hath seen God. This is the firm opinion and
belief of disciples. Now the question is when was it recorded. It had been recorded
by disciples after the ascension of Jesus. If Jesus were really God, could
ever his disciples recorded that no man had seen God, in spite of having their and
a number of other people’s seeing Jesus during his ministry? does this not rule out
that Jesus was believed by his disciples as God? or as the image of God? Let us
wish taht creator God may bestow His mercy and make them believe Jesus in the
same way just as the appointed twelve apostles had believed and preached about
the person of Jesus as Christ and Jehovah as the Almighty God. Jesus never
preached taht he was a partner in teh divinity of God, but he introduced himself as
a servent (prophet) of God.


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