Many People believe Jesus according as to the Propagation or through their family tradition. This is well. It is necessary that every one, who believes in Jesus, should know the appropriate answer to the question that WHAT IS THE CORRECT WAY OF BELIEVING JESUS?. Because it is obvious that one gets salvation only through the appropriate and accurate belief in Jesus as propounded by God. But if any one believes contrary to this it is impossible for him to attain the salvation . However in these days a lot of misconceptions and confusions in believing Jesus are found in the Christian community. Some believe him as begotten son of God and incarnation of God while some believe him as God himself, and some believe him as one of the triune Gods, and some believe him as the complete God and complete human being with divine qualities. According to logic these types of irrelevant opinions regarding one person cannot be accepted as true. Therefore
we should understand the correct answer for the question that WHO IS JESUS IN REALITY? We can get the appropriate answer to this question only by the analytical study of the Bible. But many people object as to why this research and analysis on the Bible? So first of all let us examine carefully what Bible says about the analytic study of scriptures which can be seen in the following verse.
we should understand the correct answer for the question that WHO IS JESUS IN REALITY? We can get the appropriate answer to this question only by the analytical study of the Bible. But many people object as to why this research and analysis on the Bible? So first of all let us examine carefully what Bible says about the analytic study of scriptures which can be seen in the following verse.
Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read -Isaiah 34:16
According to the above verse it is inevitable on the part of every christian that he should study the Bible in between lines so that he may understand what it teaches. Because the above verse is not spoken as an advice, but as a command. So there is no chance for any true christian to lead his life unattentively and without appropriate faith as propounded by the Bible.
What happens if we do not make an analysis?. What is the loss that we incur?. Please refer to the following verse for the correct answers to these questions.
There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end
thereof are the ways of death -Proverbs 16:25
thereof are the ways of death -Proverbs 16:25
So it is necessary to every Christian brother to examine carefully the actual sense of the above verse, as they are spending their life happily, in spite of having contrary and irrelevant beliefs. The above verse seems to be a “thunder bolt” for those who follow their own way blindly. Therefore according to the above verse it is evident that every one should always quest anxiously for the correct way, and should examine himself whether he is following the right path or being misled. In case unfortunately if any believer dies having contrary way of living to that of God’s word, and after his ressurrection on the day of Judgement , if he would be decreed by God as a sinner for having had led his life contrary to the teachings of Jesus, then there will be no chance for him to recorrect and do according to the teachings of Jesus. And eventually eternal hell will be his final destination. And what will be that eternal hell ? The answer is given by Jesus in the following verses to this question.
[They will reach to the place]
Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched -Mark 9:48
And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall
desire to die, and death shall flee from them -Revelation 9:6
desire to die, and death shall flee from them -Revelation 9:6
What would be the more disgraceful and miserable loss for a man than to be thrown into the eternal hell? And what would have been the cause for this type of unfortunate and degraded stage, the answer for this question is that he did not examine himself carefully, whether he had been leading his life according to the srcriptures or not. Thus we can understand the intensity of the above caution, and also we can understand that how horrible would be the consequences, if we neglect the analytic study of the scriptures.