Monday 20 June 2016

Some people brought an adulteress woman at Jesus’ presence to punish her
according to the Mosaic law. Then Jesus told them, ‘He that is without sin among
you let him first cast a stone at her’. On hearing this they slipped out one by one
from there.We can see this event as recorded in the following passage.

And they which heard it being convicted by their own conscience,
went out one by one, begining at the eldest, even
unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing
in the midist. When Jesus had lifted up imself and saw
none but the woman, he said unto her woman, where are
those thine accurse? hath no man condemned thee? She said
no man Lord. And Jesus said unto her neither do I condemen
thee: go and sin no more. -John 8:9-10

Genarally many present Christian scholars give their exposition on the above
passage only upto the point where Jesus told that he also would not punish her.
Does it really mean that Jesus gave permission to this type of life? No! Not at
all!!. As they emphasize only upto this point and leave the last clause “Go and sin
no more” which is the real essence of Jesus’ teaching, there is every likeliness of
falling prey to the misconception that there is no such restriction on adultery so
that one should refrain from it. This may be the reason why now a days Jesus’
pictures are found in the houses of many adultress women. Further they conduct
the weekly Gospel meetings in their houses besides their continuing prostitution.
Now the question comes that why devotees are increasing in number in the Christian
community not desisting from their sinful life? The answer is that they are not
being preached the message of Jesus in comple to form. This is how ....

....Go, and sin no more. -John 8 :1

In the above event this last part of the above verse is of great significance, just
as the soul is to the body. If this part is excluded then the fate of the verse
becomes as the body devoid of soul, which is known as dead body. The reason
for the present christian community having been reduced to the most heinous way
is the outcome of the preachings of the church not being in verbatim as Jesus
taught. If there were real preachings of Jesus prevalent in tact so called christians
would not have morally degraded.


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