Thursday 19 May 2016

In whom the God of this world hath Blinded the minds of
them which believe not... -I Corinthiane 4:4

It is obvious from the above that the Dvil also was called as a god. So according
to the analysis made so far it became evident that not only Jehovah but also
many people had been called as gods.

Logos is god!?

Who is this Logos god? Are you surprising about it? As a matter of fact the
meaning of Logos in the Hebrew language is "the spoken word of deity". This is to
mean that the commandment of the Creator God, which can be used to create the
universe, also a god. Therefore not only the Creator Jehovah was called as God,
but all the Holy Prophets, and kings and judges and along with the Devil, even the
spoken word of God also called as god.

On the whole, what is the real meaning of God?

In the ancient times the Hebrew theologians had called the Creator as ELOH,
who was being called as EL until then. But in the later time they had changed as
ELOHIM, which was the plural form of ELOAH. So also the Arebian theologians
had changed the EL as ELAH and latter they added the prefix AL to
ELAH, thus it has been tansformed as ALLAH. The Arabic use of the word AL
is 'prefix' just as the in English language. Why the name of EL had been changed
into different names? Before knowing the answer for this let us first see what is the
actual meaning of ELAH. The meaning of ELAH is that THE WORTHY OF
PRAISE and also it can be regarded as THE LORD. Just as in the same meanings
many persons were called by the name of ELAH.

Note: The names, which are mentioned as GOD and ANGEL in the present
Bible, can be seen in the Hebrew oringinal text as ELAH. The Hebrew theologians
had felt as not proper to call others with the name of ELAH, then they had
changed this word into the "Royal plural", thus it took the form of ELOHIM. As
a matter of fact the essential reason of this change is that they want to make clear
the greatness of God to the people, but some persons, who support to the polytheism,
have been canfused regarding the meaning of ELOHIM and began to
immagine as it is the 'Numerical plural' and made the doctrine of the Trinity. This is
nothing but the out come of their lack of literary knowledge. Actually there are
many principle rules in the literary field, where we can see that there are two types
of the plurals as follows:

1. Numarical plural
2. Royal plural

Why the Hebrew theologions had changed the name of Creator into the plural
number, who had been called in singular number as ELAH right from the begining?
Suppose if the Creator truly possessed the plurality in his person, he should have
been called as ELOHM right from the begining. But surprisingly enough we find
Him as to have been transformed as three persons (only) in the preachings of the
church. Contrary to the unity as propounded in all the Books of Bible, how He
became three equal parts, is the question that remains unanswerable. For example
take the verse 3:6 of the Book Malachi wherein He declared that... ‘He
changes not’. Who is a liar? God or Church??

For example: Jehovah is God, as He is the most superior of all. So also Moses
is the god. Observe again the words which are recorded in Exodus 4:16 as he
(Moses) shalt be to him (Aron) instead of God and it can be seen as mentioned in
Exodus 7:1 that God had made him(Moses) as god to Pharaoh, according to
these two references Moses was god, means he was superior to the circle of
Aaron and Pharaoh. Similarly the kings and judges had the superiority on their
respective regions. This is because they were called as gods means superiors in
the same way the Devil also possessed the commanding and superiority over evil
elements. Therefore the Devil also can be regarded as god in the meaning of
superior. Thus the 'word', which is the commandment of the Creator God, had
the capability to create universe; that is why the 'word' of the Creator also can be
called as god in the meaning of superior.

How can the same word be used for many?

Many people may get this doubt. The question is that how far it is reasonable to use the same word, 'God', for others too as stated in above illustration? By this many people may be confounded. As a matter fact we can find this type of termenology in the present literature, where the use of one word representing to the different ranks of various categories, is commonly used.

Please observe the following example: 

We can find the common designation that the 'Police Offecer', is being used
for all ranks of the Police Officers, who work in the Police department from the S.
I level to C.I, D.S.P, D.I.G and I.G. In these all ranks we can see the common
designation that the 'Police Officer', C.I = Circle Inspctor the Police Offecer, S.P
= Superentendent of Police- the Police Officer', and I.G = Inspector General the
'Police Officer'. In fact the each rank is completely different from another. The
termenology of the 'Police Officer" is used in the all ranks of different categories.
We can recognise their status according to the rank, which is mentioned before
the word of 'Police Officer'. In this way this type of termenology becomes very
common to us now a days. That is why we are using the above words without any


In the ancient time also the word ‘Eloh’ was commonly used in Hebrew language
to represent the person of God. Just as the present day people are able to
identify the status of the person who has been called by the word of God. His real
status in which degree the word God is applicable to Him, so also the ancient
people were also able to differentialy the persons, who were called god and to
what extent the word God was applicable to that person or in other words in
which sense the word God was used in his case. Thus in this sence the terminology
of ‘Eloah’ (God) has been used in case of different categories of people.


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